We are at the First Quarter Moon phase.
This time around, it’s in the sign of Cancer.
So it’s time to…
Drawing this card suggests you may be allowing self‐doubt to derail you.
Chances are that you started off strong – fast out of the gate and full of bravado – but now you’re allowing fears and doubts to cloud your vision.
Family issues coming up now need dealing with.
Maybe you think you’re not good enough or you’re waiting for something to go wrong. This isn’t the way to get what you want in life! Instead, be kind to yourself and others, work on your insecurities and head towards your goals.
Manifesting mix
The energy of this card says, ‘I am, and I can!’ but it needs to believe itself. Slow down and allow time for self‐belief to grow.
Manifesting mindset
Knowing that you’re scared or wracked with doubts is better than not realizing it. Nurture yourself and believe that you’re worthy of your goals.
Tune in to your manifesting powers
The Third Eye chakra (Ajna) is located just above the midpoint between your eyebrows and it radiates a gorgeous indigo colour. It can help you to attain the clear vision that you’re connected to all life everywhere and that fear is an illusion.
Imagine yourself in a column of indigo or silvery light and hold this card to your Third Eye while saying:
‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Cancer, thank you for helping me to see that my loved ones and I can achieve anything!’
When to manifest your magic
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Cancer, on a Monday (the Moon’s day) or during the Moon’s hour.
The First Quarter Moon in Cancer takes place when the Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Cancer. It knows that you don’t have to shout to be powerful.
From my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards
Very exciting – Hay House are doing a new I Can Do It (this time in balmy Tampa Florida) and I am included in the line up of AMAZING speakers.
Grab your ticket before they sell out and I will see YOU in May!!!
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This will be a weekend to remember—filled with ah-ha moments, self-care, and new friends. And after all we’ve been through these last few years, don’t you deserve a weekend dedicated to you?
Your next personal breakthrough awaits!
All Your Favorite Hay House Teachers in One Powerful Event!
Featuring keynote presentations by Gabrielle Bernstein, Mel Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Kris Carr, Colette Baron-Reid, John Holland, Kyle Gray, Jim Kwik – and yours truly!