First Quarter Moon in Capricorn - Yasmin Boland

We are at the First Quarter Moon phase.


First quarter moon in Capricorn

This time around, it’s in the sign of Capricorn.

So it’s time to…


Are you being too hard on yourself or someone else?

Do you think you need to be strict with yourself or other people to get to where you want to go?

Your challenge now is to be disciplined in terms of doing what needs to be done to get what you want without sucking all the joy out of it.

Feeling good about life is one of the most powerful tools you have when it comes to manifesting. So be kind, and be your most charming self.

Manifesting mix

It’s good to be realistic, but you don’t want to have the stench of reality so far up your nose that you can no longer smell life’s perfumes.

Manifesting mindset

Butting heads with others just wears you out in the end, so get into the right mindset for manifesting by deciding you’re no longer going to take the bait, or provoke a situation.

Tune in to your manifesting powers

The Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) is your centre of courage and confidence. This energy can restore vitality and help you to feel brighter and more secure.

Visualize yourself in a column of shimmering yellow sunlight. Hold the card to your solar plexus and call in the energies by repeating this version of Louise Hay’s famous affirmation:

‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in
Capricorn, thank you for reminding me that I am a loving child of the Universe!’

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Capricorn, on a Saturday (Saturn’s day) or during Saturn’s hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn takes place when the Sun is in Libra and the Moon is in Capricorn. It knows that true success comes from the heart.

This information is taken from my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards



East West NME event oct 22


Late October brings powerful New Moon eclipse in Scorpio.

It’s perfect for manifesting and learning about manifesting (no matter which star sign or Rising Sign you are) …

I’ll be holding a workshop showing you how to tap into these energies in practical and potentially life-changing cosmic ways. Expect astrology, moonology, meditations, rituals, chanting and more!

You will learn how to make a New Moon planner based on your time, date and place of birth, so you can continue your Moon manifesting long beyond the workshop (and help your family, friends and clients as well).

Step into your powers! At the workshop you will…

– Hear all about the change-making October New Moon eclipse
– Understand why eclipses are so powerful for manifesting
– Discover where the eclipse energy is in your chart
– Take part in a super-charged New Moon wishes ceremony
– Learn a powerful New Moon chant invoking Goddess Durga- Create a 12 month New Moon planner to take home

The class will be held: Yoga Hall at Blue Lotus Temple in Bothell
If you are unable to attend in-person, please select the “Online Only” option. We recommend attending in-person as Yasmin’s focus will primarily be on the room.

Click here to get your tickets now

Chakra Chant - Below Post