First Quarter Moon in Pisces - Yasmin Boland

We are at the First Quarter Moon phase.


First Quarter Moon in Pisces

This time around, it’s in the sign of Pisces.

So it’s time to…


Are you putting on a good front, acting like you’re bright and breezy but hiding your real feelings?

Rather than acting as though everything is fine, if you’re worried about certain issues it’s best to deal with them.

Avoid getting so wrapped up in your feelings that you overwhelm yourself and everyone else involved in the situation.

If you deny your feelings, you’ll go nowhere fast with your manifesting. Look at the big picture and use your intuition.

Avoid blowing an upset out of proportion.

Manifesting mix

As admirable as it is to live a cheerful and happy‐go‐lucky life, this card suggests you need to make sure you’re not ignoring your emotions.

Manifesting mindset

You’re being asked to feel all your feelings. Making light of your emotions now isn’t recommended. Remember, we create with our emotions.

Tune in to your manifesting powers

The Crown chakra (Sahasrara) is located at the top of your head and its colour is a majestic violet. This chakra connects you with Source, and helps you to find direction when you need it.

Imagine bathing in a column of radiant violet light and just breathe. Hold this card to your crown and call in its energies with this incantation:

‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Pisces, thank you for showing me that I am Divine!’

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Pisces, on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) or during Jupiter’s hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Pisces takes place when the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Pisces. It knows that the Divine is in us and around us.

This information is taken from my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards



Moonology Diary 2023

Moonology Diary 2023

On the second day of Christmas, Moonology Moon manifesting gave to me, two lunar eclipses 🌘🌑🌒
2023 is giving us two magical lunar eclipses 🤩
Check our the best-selling Moonology Diary 2023 ⬇️
🔸To discover what this means for you
🔸To find out what house this will be affecting the most for you
🔸The rituals you should be performing to make the most of the cosmic energies
For all of your Moon rituals, New Moon and Full Moon chants, forgiveness rituals and intention setting, give yourself the gift of the Moonology Diary 2023 this year 💫
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Chakra Chant - Below Post