If you’ve dabbled in manifesting with mixed results; this post is for you.
If you’ve dabbled in manifesting with mixed results, I think I know a really simple fix you can try; using the Moon as a cosmic timer.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but many of the biggest names in spirituality and new age wisdom, including Gabriel Bernstein, Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra, have all been talking about manifesting.
It’s like it’s suddenly gone from the fringes to the absolute mainstream. After all, those three people are all New York Times best-selling authors.
So all of a sudden the word is out; you were born magical. You knew it. I knew it. And now everyone knows it.
However, learning how to use those magical powers we were all born with can be tricky. If you’re one of the people who has dabbled in manifesting with mixed results; this post is for you.
There are two very simple techniques which you can add into your manifesting methods which will almost certainly turn them around 180 degrees. You will go from a hit-and-miss dabbler to a confident manifestor.
1. Make your wishes and set your intentions just after the New Moon
This is one most people who are interested in such matters seem to know about these days. It’s simple. You just need to find out when the New Moon is every month and then as soon as you can afterwards, make your wishes, set your intentions and affirm your commitments to yourself and the Universe.
I do New Moon events every month on my Facebook page which help you with this. You can also use the free resources in my Moon Lite Collective for this – it’s specifically designed to help you to make your dreams come true.
The idea is to embody your dreams as real. As Neville Goddard and later Wayne Dyer wrote, you need to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled and you need to feel it in your body. It’s one of the secrets.
2. Let it all go, forgive and surrender, at the time of the Full Moon
This is the lesser-known and therefore lesser-practised secret and crucial technique which you need to add to your Moon manifesting methods. Adding it into my own practises changed EVERYTHING for me. I went from someone who was basically broke and alone to someone who feels blessed with abundance. But that’s another story.
The difference was that I learned about the power of surrender and I added it into my manifesting. I also learned that surrender includes surrendering to situations from the past which were problematic, via forgiveness.
We are all ready for different levels of forgiveness but the more you can forgive and surrender, the more powerful your manifesting will be. There are also free resources to help you with this in the (free!) Moon Lite Collective. In fact there worksheets for you to use to write a monthly forgiveness list, there’s a meditation and more!
If you’re ready to work with the energies to create a new reality for yourself, the Universe is ready for you.
Moonology has already woken hundreds of thousands of people up to their powers and it’s still doing that today. Join us!