How to make New Moon wishes (aka how to manifest a new TV or anything else!) - Yasmin Boland

Yesterday I wrote about how New Moon wishes are a lot about us getting clarity … it you haven’t read it, the post is here.

Today I want to discuss another key point about New Moon wishing and why and how it works.

The rule is that we need to make wishes for ourselves / for a feeling

Wishing on the New Moon for a feeling, rather than for a specific material thing, is a far better way to make your wishes.

Why? because when we focus our intentions on feelings, such as happiness, love, gratitude, or inner peace, we are tapping into how we will FEEL when our wish comes true.

And THAT is what causes us to leap from one reality to another; our feelings have the astonishing power to help us to quantum leap from one life to another.

When you really believe something, it can be so.

That’s why we should focus on what we do want and not on what we don’t want. And wish for a FEELING rather than a thing.
My favourite example of this is just say you wanted a fabulous, new TV for your home.

What do you REALLY want?

You want this electrical appliance because you want to watch shows you love in comfort…

… feeling like you’ve spoiled yourself a little

… or you want to want shows with your beloved or family and enjoy that time on the couch together

… or you want to see movies or watch sport with friends.

So don’t wish for the TV, wish for the FEELING of watching that TV.

Get it?

By cultivating positive feelings, we actually draw a new reality to us.

Moreover, wishing for a feeling rather than a specific thing means we allow space for unexpected opportunities and experiences that we may not have even have thought of.

When we focus too hard on a particular THING or outcome, we are actually limiting ourselves and and the Universe, and as a result, possible missing out on other wonderous manifestations that could be equally or even more fulfilling.

Sometimes the Universe has a better idea!

And by the way, in case you’re wondering, there is NOTHING nothing wrong with wishing for material things, as long as they’re in alignment with your values and serve a positive purpose in your life. We are here in 3D for a reason; to make manifest.

Check back on Sunday for the third and final post in this Moon manifesting series; the secret source of making Moon magic – it could change your life!

PS If you’re curious about how YOU manifest, tune into my new, free, speedy quiz here which will tell you your best time to manifest based on which Moon phase is going to work best for you! Once you’ve done the quiz, you will automatically be invited to my free 3-part series about Working With the Magic of the Moon – hope to see you there! The quiz is here.