(How To) Make Your Dreams A Reality In 2023 - Yasmin Boland

We often talk about things “going mainstream” …

A few things which have gone mainstream in the past few years include:

  • Meditating (used to be the domain of hippies)
  • Acupuncture (now used in some actual hospitals)
  • Climate activism
  • Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin
  • Chanting

But the number 1 thing I want to mention here is that I believe MANIFESTING has gone mainstream. Do you agree?

20 years ago…

I believe that it was meditation that led me to manifesting. When I first got wind of manifesting, it was presented to me as creative visualisation – you just had to close your eyes and imagine your dreams and they would start to come true.

What you believe to be true is true for you, said the CBT practitioners.

You create your own reality, said my meditation teacher.

So slowly I started to experiment with this and slowly I saw they were right.

Then about 5 or so years later, a life coach called Dennis came over to my house one New Moon and we set some goals. They were about things like “I want a VW Beetle car” or “I want a trip to Paris”.

We wrote them down.

They all came true.

That was a wake-up call!

In Paris on the trip I manifested, I set the dream of finding someone with a sports car mostly so I wouldn’t end up like Lucy Jordan who at the age of 37, realised she’d never ride through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in her hair. Only some people will get this but I DID manifest meeting someone with a sports car and I did take a trip around Paris with the warm wind in my hair before I was 37!

So far so good but I was still one of the very few people I knew who knew about this stuff.

And then came Hay House’s Abraham Hicks. I remember when Hay House sent me their first book. I read it and somewhat snootily said “Oh I know about all this – it’s been around for ages!” The book was called The Law of Attraction and it was what I had been practising since learning about it in my meditation classes.

What I failed to realise was that not everyone knew about it.

It was starting to go mainstream.

And then do you know what happened next?

There was a book and a movie which went viral. Remember?

It was called …

… The Secret!

Suddenly every man and his dog was talking about creating your own reality.

The flame was well and truly lit. And all of a sudden, people were on the same page as me.

Meanwhile I had been making New Moon wishes and writing about it for YEARS but this stage – suddenly people knew what I was talking about. My little free New Moon wishing ceremonies that I was doing in cafes around Sydney, Australia, started filling up.

After all, New Moon is the traditional time to make wishes that come true.

People were starting to get it.

It was around this time that I started to write astrology diaries for a company in Australia. But they were quite difficult to work with (never replied to my emails, took eons to pay) …

… one day I was walking down the road (by now we had moved to London) and I was thinking about how it would be SO awesome to write a MOONOLOGY diary which was all about manifesting.

Now that people had understood the whole law of attraction thing, it was a small step to explain that the lunar cycle is THE PERFECT FRAMEWORK for manifesting, for using the law of attraction, for creating your own reality.

I had already been commissioned by Hay House to write my Astrology Made Easy book so rather than offering this new idea to the company that didn’t pay its bills on time, I called Hay House UK and offered them my idea for a diary that will help people tune into the Moon and manifest their dream life, which goes something like…

  • Waxing cycle on – set intentions and go for it
  • Waning cycle off – offer it all up to the Divine and trust that what’s best will manifest
  • Be grateful at Quarter Moon
  • Do ceremonies at New and Full Moon
  • And so on …

Which is a very long-winded way of explaining

  • How manifesting became mainstream
  • And how you can change your life if you want to – one Moon at a time

My Moonology Diary became a Sunday Times best-seller (good manifesting – that was a super big dream of mine!) and sells out every year because more and more people are realising that using it is life changing.

If you’re ready to manifest your dreams in 2023, then click here to grab the Moonology Diary 2023! (and receive some awesome and amazing bonuses)…


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