How to use oracle cards - Yasmin Boland

In my world, pretty much everybody knows what oracle cards are and how to use them. So I sometimes assume it’s like that for everyone.

But that just isn’t the case!

If you are new to oracle cards, please allow me to answer the first question people ask when they come across them for the first time:

how do you use them?

This video answers that and some other first time user questions and hopefully gives more experienced users a few new ideas as well.

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FYI oracle cards are similar to tarot in as much as they are both divination tools. In other words, you ask a question and you get an answer.

They can be used for predictions, or as I prefer to use them as a way to get spiritual guidance.

For me, cards are all about what you are currently manifesting.


The magical thing about my Moonology manifestation cards is that they give information about many rituals that you can do to boost the answer, if you like the answer you’ve got, or change the outcome, if you don’t!

The number of Oracle cards in a deck varies, but it’s nearly, always less than the 78 cards in a tarot deck.

In my first deck we had 44 cards and in the Moonology Manifestation deck, we have 48 cards.

So how to use them?

Well, literally just ask a question.

You simply start to shuffle them. Ask your question and then pick a card or three – a single card reading is really simple and gives you a very quick and easy answer. 

It’s a lovely thing to do every morning to draw a card for the day. And then ideally, journal about it. 

It’s actually a really lovely practice. 

  • Do a meditation
  • Draw a card 
  • Journal about it. 

Or you can do a three card reading, one for the past one for the present and one for the future, just draw the cards.

Moonology Oracle cards

A question I get a lot about my new deck is is how are these cards different to my first deck?

I think both are beautiful decks, thanks to Hay House and the artists.

But whereas the first deck is more of a traditional oracle card deck, the new ones take things to the next level, by giving you the ceremony and ritual ideas. So you can connect with the card and influence the outcome.

Want your own deck or more info? How about some free goodies when you buy or register your deck?

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