Leo Annual 2018 - Yasmin Boland

It’s a year to fulfil your dreams. Expect a very important year. Not to make it sound too pressurised, but really, it is! In terms of your whole life panning out, 2018 is potentially very pivotal. The reason is that you have four eclipses setting your chart off like a silver ball in a pinball machine. These take place in January, February, July and August.

Think about what you want to do and how you can do it. Then do it.

Looking at them one by one… January 31 brings the Full Moon eclipse in your sign. This is massive news for you. It suggests that this should be a turning point period for you. It’s very much a time when you need to leave the past behind. Make your motto around the end of January “Never mind the past, here comes the eclipse!”

Meanwhile February 16 brings the New Moon eclipse in your Love Zone. If ever there were a time for you to start all over again in at least one of your most important relationships, this is it. Most definitely, if you have loved and lost and you’re still pining, use this eclipse as your time to draw a line in the sand and move on. Leos are not usually ones to look backwards but if you’re clinging to the past in any way, this is the year to stop it, especially if you’re clinging to an old love.

On the upside, this February New Moon is highly positive for any Leo who is single and looking for love or for any Leo who is attached and wanting to bring back the spark.

It’s hard to over-emphasise how important it is to use January and February to really think about who and what you want to leave in the past and who and what you want to attract into your life. On January 31, do a little forgiveness ritual. Write down the name of whoever has hurt you – ever – and a bit about what happened and then burn the paper.

Two weeks later, preferably as soon as you wake up on February 16 (after 7.05am) make a list of your top ten wishes. This is your super-charged wishing time so don’t waste it!

You also get more eclipses later in the year. July 28 brings another Full Moon eclipse, this time in your Love Zone. Once again, you need to release the past. The eclipses are about breaking with the past to allow in the new, whether you’re actually letting go of someone from your life or you’re just letting go of past upsets.

The last eclipse affecting you directly this year is the New Moon eclipse in your sign on August 11. It’s another very important time to make your top ten wishes (make them after 8pm). Once you know what you want you are half way to getting it!

Meanwhile, in other news, there could be some changes happening for you in your studies or your work as Uranus moves into your 10th House. For some it’s going to be about working with or studying computers or digital ‘stuff’. For others there could be a big shake up at work which leaves you wondering about maybe having a professional revolution. For others still it could be about deciding to study or work more on your own rather than as a team. When it comes to making your mark on the world in 2018, the way for you to do it, be it in writing school essays or professionally, is to be original, inventive and a little bit off the wall. Conforming isn’t going to work for you at this stage! And if you’re already working and your job is boring you to tears, careful what you wish for. The Uranus energy could liberate you from the work ties that bind so be sure you have a back-up plan!

And speaking of studies and work, while you might now what to be tied down, you do have to be methodical as you tackle all the tasks facing you. Try to balance the chaos with order in equal amounts and do this balancing act regularly! Saturn in your 6th House means you will be rewarded when you wade through your To Do List at a slow and steady speed.

One last thing to note is that 2018 is a time when you need to stand on your own two feet as much as you can. Being co-dependant in a relationship is not going to work very well for you. So do your own thing like only a Leo can.