This month is a mixed bag but ultimately full of blessings. Apart from the Sun making you feel dynamic and revitalised, a new moon in your sign on the 11th also encourages you to shed your skin. This combination is sure to put a spring in your step enabling you to see things from a more positive perspective. Write your wish list on the day of the new moon but wait until the 17th to speak it onto the ethers or hold your personal new moon ceremony.
Meanwhile, Mercury, the planet of communication is retrograde in your sign until the 19th. Although this placement gets a bad rap there are far more positives. Yes, you could experiencing the odd frustrating delay or setback. You may also misunderstand someone or feel misunderstood. However, having said all of that this is a great time to redefine the way you present yourself so that you have your best qualities on display. Also look at what is slowing you down or preventing you from reaching goals and devise ways to navigate obstacles. Once Mercury goes direct on the 19th your plans will be to take shape and you’ll feel as though your mojo has returned.
Mars is also retrograde until the 27th, firstly in your relationship sector until the 13th and then in your area associated with work and health. Whilst in your relationship sector take the opportunity to look at your default behaviour and how to change it. It’s easy to fall back on bad habits when feeling defensive but at the end of the day it achieves nothing. Any partnership struggles that you’ve experienced are bound to create a stalemate of sorts which is all the more reason for you to put your ego on the backburner and find areas of common ground.
Similarly, you may feel that you’re at distinct cross-purposes with either your friends, colleagues or involvements with group efforts. Although you have great leadership qualities the only role you should assume is that of mediator. If you can’t, try to be as autonomous as possible.