Libra Annual 2018 - Yasmin Boland

This is the year to get really clear on what you want. There are eclipses in your 11th House of Wishes in January and August.

The Full Moon eclipse on January 31 could see a wish come true – or it could be a time when you decide you no longer want something you used to want. If that’s the case, let it go! This eclipse could also herald the start of an amazing new friendship … or it could see an old friendship which is no longer working for you breaking up. Eclipses are wild cards, so you will have to wait and see what transpires!

January could also be a time of readjustment where instead of it being you that is giving all the time, you find a balance between giving and receiving in one important relationship. If you’re a creative Libran, make sure you have enough space to create the life you want, while still being a great friend. You are all about relating – just make sure you leave enough for yourself, as well as doing all that you can for your friends.

Fast forward to the August New Moon eclipse and you get to make a wish that can come true. This is a rare occurrence – you need to get really clear about your desires and intentions if you want to harness the energies.

Around 8pm on August 11 is the time to write down your top ten dreams – also make a note beside each wish about what you can actually do on a practical level to make that dream come true. This is a manifesting opportunity not to be missed. See your dreams as real. Imagine them. Feel them in your body. Then surrender your dreams to the Universe.

Another big theme for you this year will be all about you loving yourself more – and the more you love yourself, the more others are going to love you too. As Jupiter makes his once-a-decade visit to your Self-Esteem Zone, 2018 will be all about you realising your own worth. This can be to do with knowing that you’re a great person on a personal level. However it can also be about you realising what you have to offer the material world, in terms of your talents and assets.

Either way, a renewed and increased sense of personal self-worth can lead to not just happier days but also to more money. If you work – whether fulltime or part time – the more you believe you have to offer your boss or customers, the more handsomely the Universe will recompense you. In other words, if you think you’re worth, you will be paid accordingly.

All this self-worth ‘stuff’ is a major theme for you in 2018 so do give it some thought. Are you rating yourself highly enough?

Another big theme for you in 2018 will be your love life. The good news is that it’s very likely to settle down and be way less unpredictable, especially from mid-May to November. This is because the planet of chaos, Uranus, will be leaving your Love Zone during those months.

If your love life has been like a roller coaster for the past seven years, that was the influence of crazy Uranus. Now that he is getting ready to depart your Love Zone at last, your love life should start to feel less like an out of control garden hose. If you’re with someone who is a bit wild and crazy themselves, that’s thanks to the Uranian influence. And if all you want is a nice easy life with a white picket fence and 2.5 children, that’s going to be more achievable in 2018 as well.

Lastly, when it comes to your home life, 2018 is all about putting in an effort. If you still live with your parents, you could feel a little restricted by them this year, as Saturn trolls through your Home Zone. However remember that they really are almost certainly older and wiser and any brakes they’re putting on your life and there to help you to learn. If you are already living independently, this is a great year for you to buy your own place or even to buy an investment property. Saturn in your Home Zone means that life at home will have its challenges in 2018, be it to do with your parents, your home, your flatmates or anything else. However every single issue which comes up in your personal life this year is all about teaching you what you need to know in order to evolve, believe it or not.