Manifesting vs. Moonifesting: Why The Moon Makes All The Difference! - Yasmin Boland

When it comes to manifesting your dream life, you’ve got options.

There’s the traditional route of vision boards, affirmations, and meditative visualization. But there’s also a more celestial path that aligns your desires with the cycles of the Moon.

If you’ve ever wondered what makes Moon manifesting – you could even call it ‘Moonifesting’ – distinct from your run-of-the-mill manifesting, then join me as I delve into why the Moon makes all the difference…

Traditional Manifesting: The Basics

In classic manifesting, you set your intentions, visualize your desired outcome, and practice gratitude. The core idea is simple—like attracts like. It’s all about shifting your frequency to match that of what you desire.


– Accessibility: You can do it anytime, anywhere.
– Simplicity: Just a clear intention and emotional alignment are the basic requirements.


– Lack of Structure: It’s up to you to decide when and how often to practice, which can lead to inconsistencies.
– No Celestial Support: Without the influence of the Moon’s natural cycles, you can find you energy and focus wanes over time.
– No Planetary Support: You could be making wishes when the planets are clashing – in Moonology moonifesting, we stay aware of all that!
– No Heritage: Manifesting with the Moon has been around for eons – because it works. It means that when you manifest with the Moon you’re tapping into an amazing heritage and that boosts your powers.
– No Emotional Support: We manifest with our emotions and the Moon is all about emotions. If you’re manifesting not moonifesting, you could be doing it at a time when your emotions are not going to help you make magic!

Moonology Moonifesting: The Lunar Way

Moonology Moonifesting involves aligning your intentions with the phases of the Moon. The New Moon is for setting intentions and planting seeds, while the Full Moon is for releasing and letting go.


– Structured Timing: The Moon provides a natural timetable for when to set intentions and when to release.
– Enhanced Energy: Manifesting at the same time as thousands or even millions of people moves the needle
– Ancient Wisdom: Women have done this for eons for a reason… because it works!


– Ummm…!!!

Here’s the thing … the Moon really does make all the difference…

Why The Moon Makes The Difference

1. Cyclic Nature: The Moon’s cycles offer a natural ebb and flow that complements the human experience. It adds a layer of structure that helps keep your manifesting activities consistent.

2. Emotional Alignment: The Moon governs emotions. Moonology Moonifesting can bring an added layer of emotional depth and resonance, enhancing the law of attraction by providing a powerful emotional boost.

3. Cosmic Connection: When you Moonifest, you’re part of a larger, cosmic dance. It reminds you that you’re not alone in your journey, connecting you to the universal forces at play.

4. Community: Moonifesting often comes with a community of like-minded individuals who are also tuned into the lunar cycles. This shared focus can amplify the power of your intentions.

So Moonology Moonifesting is not just manifesting with a lunar twist. It’s a holistic, structured, and deeply intuitive practice that connects you to the cosmos and your inner self.

And THAT is when you start to make really Moon magic!

And PS if you want to do some Moonology Moonifesting about LOVE, I have a workshop for that coming up – and PPS it’s free! Click here to book your seat…

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