We’re currently in for some interesting times as the Moon moves up to clash with Mars.
This can make life feel a bit tense and charged. Angry moments are possible.
It’s important to keep your head during this time, even if everyone around you seems to be losing theirs.
As Rudyard Kipling famously wrote, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it.”
In less than 10 days, we’ll also be heading towards the New Moon eclipse in Aries.
This is a time of powerful energy and transformation, but it’s also important to remember that eclipses can be challenging.
As we move towards the eclipse, under the Moon/Mars clash, here are 3 things to be super-aware of:
1. Don’t take anyone or anything for granted now.
2. Don’t cling on to situations in your life which have passed their Best By date.
3. Don’t fear the eclipse – think of it as a chance to move back on to your right and proper path.
Also note that we’re now in the Waning Cycle of the Moon.
This means it’s time to let go and make peace, rather than starting anything new.
If there’s a situation in your life that’s been causing you stress or unhappiness, now is the perfect time to work on yourself and let it go.
Use the power of the Waning Cycle to make as much peace with What Is as you possibly can.
Then focus on what you want to bring into your life, rather than dwelling on what’s holding you back.
Remember, change is never easy, but it’s always possible.
Embrace the transformative energy of the upcoming eclipse and trust that the Universe is guiding you towards where you need to be.
Keep your head, stay focused, and let go of anything that’s no longer serving you.
The future is bright!
And PS if you would like to join me for my Eclipse Alchemy workshop, all the details are here.