Tomorrow, it’ll be the New Moon phase.
This time around, the New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius.
So it’s time to…
Big changes are forecast, but you need to let events unfold with as little steering as possible from you. Sometimes you just need to take a bit of space from a person or a situation.
If you know you’ve been too emotional about someone or something, this card offers you the chance to cool things down.
A rational, even slightly aloof, assessment of your current circumstances is called for. Allow for things to develop. Try to think of your situation from a different angle.
Manifesting focus
This card is an especially good sign for matters related to friends, networks, a wish coming true, science, tech or online dating.
Manifesting mindset
Be yourself; independence doesn’t have to mean loneliness. A group of people, rather than one person, may be the ones to help you.
Manifesting tips for detachment
- Call in Archangel Uriel, the most cerebral archangel.
- Call in energy from the planet Uranus, which guides the sign of Aquarius and is all about independence and revolution.
- Light a candle (preferably silver) and ask Uriel for his help with viewing life compassionately but also dispassionately, so that you can stay cool under any pressure.
Your manifestation affirmation
‘There is only one me, it’s safe to be me and I love me!’
When to manifest your magic
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Aquarius, on a Saturday (Saturn’s day) or during Saturn’s hour.
The New Moon in Aquarius takes place when the Sun and the Moon are on the same degree in Aquarius. It knows that humanity is worth saving!