Pisces Annual 2018 - Yasmin Boland

If you feel like it’s time for a change, then careful what you wish for in 2018. There are changes a plenty coming your way to do with your daily life and the basic routines of how you live. For some it could be about a significant change to your job description, for others it could be about a whole new job or even a career change. And if you’re still studying, then it could be about changes to your routine.

Whatever your life situation, changes to your daily rhythm of your life are almost inevitable this year. Rather than allowing the Universe to take you by surprise, your best bet is to decide where you want to tweak your life routines and take action. Eclipses are usually only a problem if and when we know we need to do something but we refuse to take action. So for example, if you know you need to exercise more or drink less or do anything else for the good of your health, this is the time to do it, and sooner rather than later. Ditto if you are not happy at school or work – what can you do to change things before the eclipses come along and change things for you?

In fact, with some of the eclipse energy being directed at your 12th House, one of the astrological suggestions coming your way in 2018 is the reminder to take as much time out as you need and to balance your study/working life with downtime. A little navel-gazing and withdrawal from the world, even doing an actual retreat, will do you good this year, especially around the end of January, mid-February and the end of July.

Ideally, use 2018 as a bit of a recovery’ year. Chances are you are going to feel a lot less pressured this year than you have done in the past few. The reason for this is that Saturn, the planet of pressure, has changed signs. Saturn is thus no longer bearing down so hard on you and making your working life in particular and your whole life in general so challenging. That’s great, right? Yes it is. However you may need to recover from all the stresses of the past few years, especially if you’re studying or working in a job or field which has been tough on you. Use this year to heal yourself, taking time out as much as you can.

That’s the good news about Saturn. The less good news is that Saturn has now moved into your 11th House aka your Friendship Zone. Saturn is the tough planet who doesn’t ever make nice. It could be that you have more issues with your friends than usual this year but remember this; your friends are your greatest teachers in 2018 (and 2019). So every time someone upsets you, think about what lesson could be inherent in the upset. If you can master this, you will have stronger friendships plus the next six years will be easier! Our friends are mirrors for us – what are you friends showing you? As well, friendships which have reached their Use By date could well go by the wayside this year. Don’t hang on for no reason. If you are too hard on your pals though, be aware, you could find yourself quite quickly unfriended!

More good news is that you’re going to be thinking about life in new ways in 2018. That might sound odd, but here is the astrological context; the planet of original ideas and non-conformity, Uranus, will be making a pretty-much once-in-a-lifetime visit to your Mind Zone this  year. That means you can OH so think outside the proverbial square. You can do things your way and do them differently. No one can fence you in, mentally. So you can come up with amazing and innovative ideas and new solutions to old problems. In practical terms, it means that you can dream up any life you want in 2018 and come up with ways to make it real. Forget about the past and allow your ideas to evolve. If you have felt somehow trapped by someone or something, 2018 can see you setting yourself free.

Also this year, you will find it easier to see the big picture of life. That’s thanks to Jupiter in your 9th House. Seeing the big picture is so crucial, especially for you. You will be able to more easily count your blessings, too, and doing that will attract even more blessings. Plus it makes lot so travel quite likely for you – enjoy! It’s a year to broaden your horizons.

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