Pisces Daily Horoscope – December 3 2020 - Yasmin Boland

The idea that not everyone smiles at you is a friend, is something you’ve learned a lot about in recent years. As your friendships, allies and associates went through a kind of stress-testing process, thanks to Saturn in Capricorn, you may now see who has lasted the distance in your life, and who hasn’t. As you begin to practice better personal boundaries and honour your own needs, only those who respect them are likely to stick around.
Coming up soon is the eclipse season. Are you ready?
To make the most of it, I’ve accepted an invitation from the people at the New York Open Centre to hold an online class in which we will tap into the eclipse energies.
We’ve called the class
Rituals On The Day Of A Highly Auspicious New Moon
Sounds good? Join us. Tickets are selling fast and numbers are limited.

Tickets and more info is here.

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