Pisces Daily Horoscope – July 24 2020 - Yasmin Boland

Start your day on the right foot by making your partner breakfast in bed. It will help unleash your generosity of spirit, enhance collaboration, and foster cooperation, not just between you and your beloved, but with all members of the family. With a nourished partner and a happy home, you are free to venture a little further afield in the afternoon. Meeting up with friends will be productive, thought-provoking, and may just change the world.

Win a reading with … yours truly!

Would you like me to take a look at your chart and give you a reading with my Moonology oracle cards? I am super excited to say that I will be giving this away to one reader this week in the lead up to the publication of my Moonology Diary 2021. We will get on Zoom or Skype and go through all your most burning questions. Do it here!

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