Saturn into Pisces and the Full Moon - Yasmin Boland

As you might know, the planet of karma and hard lessons, Saturn, is about to change signs.

That means you’re about to feel a whole lot less pressure in one part of your chart and your life. But you’re also about to feel more pressure in one part of your chart and life.

Here’s the thing; Saturn has been in one part of your chart for the past two or so years. Now Saturn is about to move into another part. Wherever he has been is where you have almost certainly faced your biggest challenges and obstacles.

Saturn has been in Aquarius – so if you know where Aquarius is in your chart, that’s where you have likely felt under pressure.

So what about Saturn’s move now and how can you use Moonology to make the most of his move into Pisces which happens on the night of the Full Moon on March 7?


For a start, work out where Pisces is in your chart. To do this, just go to and cast your chart for free. The result will tell you where Pisces is in your chart and therefore which part of your life is going to feel Saturn’s pressure starting March 7.

If you already know your Rising Sign, here’s the info you need!

Aries Rising – it’s all about your spiritual life
Taurus Rising – it’s all about your social life
Gemini Rising – it’s all about your career
Cancer Rising – it’s all about travel, study and adventure
Leo Rising – it’s all about sex and money
Virgo Rising – it’s all about love and exes
Libra Rising – it’s all about your daily life
Scorpio Rising – it’s all about romance, creativity and kids
Sagittarius Rising – it’s all about home and family
Capricorn Rising – it’s all about the way you think and communicate
Aquarius Rising – it’s all about cash, property and possessions
Pisces Rising – it’s all about your whole life!

So how can you use the March 7 Full Moon to work with Saturn’s move?


It’s the PERFECT time to do a heart-felt ceremony – but it’s going to take a little bit of doing.

Here’s how…

1. Set aside a good half hour

2. Have a think about your life since March 21, 2020. Note that in most countries, this marked the start of the pandemic lockdowns. It’s fair to say we have ALL been through a lot! But what has been toughest on you? Normally I don’t suggest focusing on the negative but in order to process our stuff, sometimes we need to and the March 2023 Full Moon is the perfect time to do this, just ahead of Saturn’s move

3. Using a sheet of paper you won’t mind burning, make a list of what you have struggled with since March 2020. What has been the fallout? Narrow this list down to the top 3 issues you have had to deal with and journal about them. Take your time. This is deep work.

I would also suggest you join me on Facebook for my free Full Moon ceremony – I will be working with the element of fire to help transmute the upsets of the past two years under the Full Moon, ahead of Saturn’s move.

You can register for the ceremony for free here.

Some of the techniques you can bring in here include:

– doing the Moonology Formula For Forgiveness
– using the Ho’oponopono prayer
– doing breathwork to release the past

I will do all three in the ceremony.

And then, burn your notes and as you do, chant this ancient Sanskrit mantra OM NAMO NARARANI to offer it all up to the Divine.

Now you are clear of a lot of the energetic debris built up during the two and a bit very taxing years of Saturn in Aquarius. We all have stuff to release from this cycle and the Full Moon is the ideal time to do it.

Want to become expert at this stuff?

If you want to go deeper into your Moon studies, then come to my 3 x free Working With The Magic of the Moon webinars – especially if you are into personal self-development OR you work with clients helping them to have their own breakthroughs.

During this free three-part event, you’ll learn:

Three Ways to Work with the Magic of the MoonHow to use the phases of the Moon to consciously create whatever you desire in your life

The secret power behind making wishes at the time of the New Moon

How the Moon can influence—and enhance—your day-to-day life

Practices and exercises to supercharge your manifesting potential

Plus! With Saturn changing signs on the day of the first webinar, I’ll help you to understand how to use Moonology to make the most of this important two-year cycle!

Click here for your free ticket! (There will be a replay if you can’t make the live.)

If you’re ready to change your life and even help others to change their lives – and by the way that can be friends and family as much as it can be your clients – then grab this once-a-year chance to attend this training!

Chakra Chant - Below Post