Shift Your Money Mindset: My Bondi Beach Epiphany on Affording the Life You Want - Yasmin Boland

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of re-programming your subconscious mind.

It’s something made easier with the Moon…

Here’s a really good example which works super well with the eclipse season we’re about to go into.

Have a look at the picture of Emma Watson at the top of this page.

Really take on board this message…

It reminded me of a turning point in my own journey.

The first time I really remember starting to step into abundance was after a break up, about 25 years ago. I was very discombobulated having left a very toxic relationship.

I was living in a gorgeous 2-bed apartment at Bondi Beach, overlooking the ocean. My boyfriend and I had been sharing it, splitting the rent. (It wasn’t quite as fancy as the one in the photo, but it was very beautiful!)

There was absolutely no way I wanted to move out, but I also didn’t want to have a flat mate.

I just wanted some time to myself.

And I literally remember thinking to myself NOT “Oh %^*!, I can’t afford to pay two people’s rent here…” I thought “How can I afford this?”

I was a freelance journalist at the time, and I sat down with a pen and paper and worked out exactly how many articles I would have to write a week to cover the monthly rent on the whole place.

That number turned out to be much easier to achieve than I might’ve expected.

In making it happen, I started to reprogram my subconscious mind regarding what was possible financially.

It was the start of a new and more abundant cycle for me.

I hope this makes sense to you?

What would you like to achieve financially and what would be a first step to making that happen?

As we move towards the New Moon eclipse in the abundant sign of Libra, and then again to the Full Moon eclipse in the money-oriented sign of Taurus, it’s a really good time to start to think not “I can’t afford it”, but “”how can I afford it?

And if you haven’t signed up for my free, Love & The Libra Eclipse workshop yet, come along. (It’s not just about romantic relationships either…!)

Click here to register…

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