So what's a healing crisis? - Yasmin Boland

Yesterday I talked about the fact that this week’s eclipse on Thursday could bring about something of a healing crisis.

So what’s a healing crisis?

It’s actually defined as a time when the symptoms of an illness can get worse on their way to getting better. Like when you get a facial treatment at the salon and then you get a breakout immediately after, because it brings all the rubbish to the surface. Then they clear up and your skin’s left looking so much better.

Which is apt because the planet Pluto is active at the time of the eclipse this week, and Pluto is all about eruptions – including pimple eruptions.

It can also be the crisis we have to have in order to heal. So think about that now. Whatever you’re going through, think about whether it could actually be leading you to healing. That really is the trillion dollar question this week.

If you want to know how well you are likely to handle the eclipse take our eclipse quiz.

It’s actually a bit Pluto-nic because it’s deeply psychological and it’s going to help you ask yourself some questions to give yourself insight into how well you’re likely to handle the eclipse.

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