The basics of Moon manifesting (redux) - Yasmin Boland

So you want to make some magic with the Moon and have some dreams come true?

The upcoming April 8 Great American Eclipse is THE time of 2024 to be sending your wishes you to the Universe.

So ahead of that – in preparation – I’ve been going back to the basics of Moon manifesting… here are the top 3 things you need to know.

1. It’s a game of two halves

The first thing to know is that it’s a game of two halves.

We have the waxing cycle and the waning cycle. Or as I like to say, waxing cycle on, waning cycle off.

That means manifest in the waxing cycle. Let it all go in the waning cycle.

Set your intentions at the new Moon. Chase your dreams in the waxing cycle which is New Moon to Full Moon.

At Full Moon, offer it all up to the divine.

Whatever didn’t work out, that’s fine. Just say “I surrender it to the Divine”.

2. And then…

And in the Waning Cycle (from Full to New), let it all fall away.

Trusting the universe has a big part to play in this process.

Go through the Waning Cycle, let it go, make peace, make amends, breathe, surrender.

Yasmin-Boland-Side Banner-ICDI3. Remember the Dark Moon

Finally you’ll get to the Dark Moon just before the next New Moon.

A last chance to clear it all out.

And then if something you wanted which hasn’t manifest yet is still on your wish list, wish for it again at the next New Moon.

Sometimes New Moon wishes come true the first time. Sometimes you have to do them multiple times.

Breaking things down into baby steps is the way to make your dreams come true.

Manifesting with the Moon is easy when you know how.

And it’s an important time to learn all this as we move towards the April 8 New Moon eclipse which is going to be one of the primo times for manifesting for the whole of 2024!

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