For the past decade plus, we have produced something every single year which never fails to sell its socks off.
It’s our Year Ahead Planner – and it’s available again here!
Here’s what it shows you:
All the New Moons of 2020
If you know when the New Moons are, then you know when to make your New Moon wishes and if you make your New Moon wishes every month, your life will change in amazing ways. It’s that simple!
All the Full Moons of 2020
And the Full Moons? Oh they are EQUALLY important in terms of manifesting. Because as my readers and students of Moonology know, it’s the Full Moon that’s the secret weapon on manifesting because we surrender to the Divine!
The eclipses all pointed out for you
Eclipses are like turning points. They are when the Universe changes gears and your life can change gears. They are nothing to be scared of but they ARE most certainly worth knowing about!
Mercury retrograde dates
Knowing when the communications planet Mercury is going retrograde is so important, I wrote a whole book about it! This planner gives you all the Mercury retrograde dates for 2020.
Venus dates
Venus is the planet of love and abundance so it’s nice to know (a) when she is in your sign or (b) if you know your chart a bit, which House she is in at any one time. If you don’t know your chart but you’d like to, click here.
Power dates
The technical name for these is “aspects between the outer planets”. In other words, it’s when the planetary heavyweights connect — and we feel it most. Forewarned is forearmed!
Printer friendly A4 size
And the whole thing is designed to be printer-friendly… maybe that’s why people like it? Or leave it on your devide and refer back to it throughout the year!
- All the Full Moons of 2020
- The eclipses all pointed out for you
- Mercury retrograde dates
- Venus dates
- Power dates
- Printer friendly A4 size