There's a New Moon eclipse coming! - Yasmin Boland

The Libra New Moon Eclipse: A Time for Fresh Starts in Love, Abundance & Relationships

As we enter the month of October, the cosmos is aligning in a powerful way, offering us all a moment to reflect, reset, and wish big. This month brings a New Moon eclipse in the partnership sign of Libra, creating a potent portal for new beginnings—especially in the realms of love, relationships, and abundance. 🌑💫

Eclipse Energy: A Portal for New Beginnings

Eclipses are known as times when the Universe changes gears. These cosmic events accelerate the shifts we need to make in our lives, pushing us to embrace new paths and fresh opportunities. This Libra New Moon eclipse is no different. In fact, it’s a chance to quantum jump into a new chapter of your life, especially when it comes to how you relate to others.

Why Libra? Why Now?

Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, and partnerships. When a New Moon eclipse occurs in Libra, it highlights the importance of our relationships—how we connect, communicate, and show up for the people in our lives. Whether it’s romantic, familial, or platonic, this is a time to reflect on how your relationships are doing.

In many ways, relationships shape our sense of identity. They teach us about who we are and how we interact with the world. During this eclipse, you might want to perform your own version of a relationship audit:

  • How are you showing up in your most important relationships?
  • Is there space for healing, growth, or new beginnings?
  • Where can communication be improved?

Communication is Key

Speaking of communication, Mercury, the planet of expression, is closely tied to this eclipse. If there’s ever been a time to improve communication with those you care about, this is it. Whether it’s with your partner, family members, or friends, the key to stronger connections lies in your ability to communicate clearly and honestly.

This idea of communication also plays into manifestation. When you set your intentions for the New Moon, be clear about what you want. The Universe is listening!

Calling on Goddess Durga for Strength

New Moons, and especially New Moon eclipses, are all about new beginnings. And what do new beginnings require? Courage. This is where the Hindu Goddess Durga comes in. Durga is known for her strength, courage, and ability to remove obstacles. She is the perfect ally as we step into this fresh energy, helping us to face challenges head-on and walk through the doors that this eclipse opens for us. 🕉️🌸

During this time, I encourage you to connect with Durga through meditation, chanting, or simple prayer. Ask her to guide you as you set your New Moon intentions and embrace the changes that are coming your way.

Three Ways to Make the Most of This Eclipse

This is a time to dream big and set intentions that align with your highest good. Here are three ways you can work with this New Moon eclipse:

  1. Wish generally for new beginnings: If you’re looking to reset your life in multiple areas, this is your moment. Use this eclipse to set intentions for a fresh start in any realm you choose.
  2. Wish for love or abundance: With Libra’s energy of partnership and Venus (the ruler of Libra) focusing on love, this is the perfect time to set wishes related to relationships and abundance. What do you want to bring into your life in terms of love, prosperity, and harmony?
  3. Wish based on where the eclipse lands in your chart: Find where Libra is in your birth chart to tailor your wishes more specifically. If Libra falls in your 7th house, focus on partnerships; if it’s in your 2nd house, set intentions for finances and self-worth.

Join My Libra New Moon Eclipse Workshop

I’m hosting a special Libra Love + Abundance New Moon Eclipse Workshop exclusively for members of the Mainly Moonology Membership manifesting session (MMMs). 🌕💫 We’ll go deep into this powerful eclipse energy, work with Goddess Durga, and set transformational New Moon wishes together. If you’re already a member, keep an eye on your inbox for your invitation. Not a member yet? Join the MMMs here to be part of this magical event!

Final Thoughts

This New Moon eclipse is a powerful reminder that we are co-creators with the Universe. We have the ability to manifest love, abundance, and harmony in our lives—but it all starts with intention and action. Take this time to reflect on your relationships, connect with your deepest desires, and set your New Moon wishes in motion. The Universe is ready to support you—are you ready to step through the portal?

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