Hey guys, so if you love to work with the moon, then pay attention because we have an eclipse coming which you may or may not know about coming on April 20.
It’s actually the second new moon in Aries in a row but this time it’s an eclipse.
It’s going to be very, very powerful.
And if you’re wondering what it all means and you want to find out on your own time on your own terms, to let you know this is my book Moonology.
It came out quite a few years ago now.
It’s still in the Amazon top 10 and it’s on super duper special, super duper duper special right now.
So what you would do is you would have a look at the new moon or new moon eclipse in Aries section. What it gives you is a whole lot of information about the action you should take, the five main things you need to know and then what you want to do is you want to turn to page 81 and look up your rising sign. It will tell you which house the new moon eclipse is taking place in. Then turn to that page in the book. It might be your love zone or your career zone. It’s super simple. The book is amazing. That’s why it’s been in the top 10 Amazon astrology bestsellers or sometimes top 20 for six years. If you would like me to do all this for you, I can also offer you that. I have a new moon eclipse alchemy workshop coming up on April the 20th. Go to the workshop page and you can register there.
Actually the book and the workshop probably cost about the same amount.
I’m not sure. The workshops $9 and this book is probably usually about $9 I suppose. I don’t know how much it would cost, but it’s actually on super special right now. I think on Kindle so you can download immediately. Anyway, hope that helps. See you later.