Welcome to Virgo season - Yasmin Boland

We are now in Virgo season – here’s what’s in store…

During Virgo season – which lasts until September 23 – the Sun is in the sign of Virgo (so all our Virgo family and friends are celebrating their birthdays.)

Looking at the astrology for the rest of this Virgo season – which lasts until September 23 – all seems to be quite well.

The planetary alignments are overall very positive so we can expect life to cruise along nicely…

There is one particular astrological event that you do need to know about this Virgo season though – the planet Mercury is going retrograde.

Mercury retrograde alert!

Mercury is the planet of communications and up to four times a year, it appears to go retrograde – to reverse through the zodiac.

When communications planet Mercury goes backwards, communications can go backwards as well. It’s a time when mix ups and delays, miscommunications and general weirdness can abound.

It’s not bad luck but it can be confusing (hence Mercury retrograde’s bad reputation).

But wait. There’s a lot more to Mercury retrograde than just all that annoying stuff.

Mercury retrograde is a time of second chances. It’s when we can review, revise, revisit, rethink and redo just about anything which needs a second going over.

If you want to make the most of it and not just survive but thrive, think of it as a time when you get the chance of a do-over.

FYI Mercury starts this latest retrograde on September 10 and will continue until October 2.

Second chances in romance?

This time around, Mercury starts off the retrograde in the sign of Libra. Libra is the sign of relationships so there will be second chances for us all when it comes to our love life, our partner and even our ex.

If you’re pining for the past when it comes to romance, this reverse cycle could take you back to the way things used to be. It could even reunite some lovers split asunder.

However there will also be increased chances for mix ups in all relationships and partnerships, so mind how you go, especially if you’re in an already troubled situation!

By September 23, Mercury will have reversed all the way back into Virgo.

This potentially makes this second part of the retrograde even more intense because Virgo (along with Gemini) is one of Mercury’s two home signs.

So when Mercury retrograde in Virgo, it is potentially a little more confusing than usual!

Special dates to note during this retrograde:

September 10

Mercury goes retrograde (in the sign of Libra)

September 18

Mercury retrograde opposite Jupiter
Remember, Mercury is the communications planet, while Jupiter is the amplification planet, so today brings the risk of saying too much too soon – you have been warned! If you’re confused about someone or something, ask for clarification.

September 23

Virgo season ends

Plus, Mercury retrogrades back into Virgo

September 26

Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus
If you want a second chance with your beloved, this is the evening to arrange a catch up. Also a very good day to chase up money which is owed to you (since Venus rules both love and abundance).

September 27

Mercury retrograde trine Pluto
Such a powerful alignment – what in your life needs to change? Your mind? Change can happen now!

October 2

Mercury retrograde ends

How will Mercury retrograde affect the signs?

Mercury retrograde this Virgo season will trigger your horoscope and your life one way or another, depending on your Rising Sign.

Here’s a summary of what to expect. Do read your Rising Sign if you know it for a far more accurate prediction. If you don’t know it, find it out for free at www.moonmessages.com/freechart

Aries – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to your daily routines

Taurus – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to romance, creativity and kids.

Gemini – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to home and family, who you live with and where you feel you belong.

Cancer – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to the way you communicate.

Leo – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to cash, property and possessions.

Virgo – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to … your whole life!

Libra – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to your spiritual life and working through fears.

Scorpio – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to your social life in general and one friend in particular.

Sagittarius – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to your career and ambitions.

Capricorn – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to travel, study and adventure – expand your mind!

Aquarius – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to sex and money!

Pisces – second chances, a chance to redo and rethink, plus room for confusion when it comes to your love life (and maybe an enemy?)

Remember, Mercury retrograde is a chance to get something right, to have another go at something, to chase up an old friend or an old debt.

Think of it as a chance to slow down and sort things out before you start to move forwards again. Used well, Mercury retrograde can be our friend – a bit of an annoying friend, perhaps, but a friend none the less!

Yasmin Diary 23 – SideIf you love to follow celestial events like Mercury retrograde, my Moonology Diary 2023 tells you everything you need to know to stay in touch with the main movements of the Sun, Moon and stars!

It has lengthy interpretations for every New and Full Moon, a guide to making wishes and setting intentions which actually work and to releasing the past so you can be clear as you move towards your future.

People literally call this “life-changing” so grab it if you want to change your life in the coming year.

Buy and register it from www.moonmessages.com/md23 to get all the bonuses

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