What is Moonology? - Yasmin Boland

If you’re new around here, please allow me a moment to explain what I/we do…

Moonology is a transformational practise that’s nearly as old as human time, yet as simple as can be.

It’s called Moonology. And I know many of you already know ALL about it!!!

But for those that don’t…

If you’ve ever wanted to change your life, Moonology is a straightforward but profoundly effective way to do it which uses the lunar cycle as a framework.

The essence is simple:

– At the New Moon, set your intentions or make wishes.
– At the Full Moon, engage in forgiveness and release.

Women have been tapping into the lunar cycles like this for thousands of years. While much of my work draws from ancient traditions, what I believe sets Moonology apart is its simplicity and accessibility.

You don’t need to be an esoteric scholar to benefit from it. You don’t even need to believe in anything specific. What you do need is the will to make it work for you and the will to change your life.

Think about it…

Making wishes at the New Moon and releasing them at the Full Moon—these simple acts can be life-altering.

Apart from anything else, they bring clarity and peace.

I believe my professional life purpose is to share this wisdom and empower other women to pass it along. It’s a ripple effect, and it starts with you taking just a few moments each month to engage with the Moon’s energy.

Certainly, there are other elements that contribute to a fulfilling life—like working through self-doubt, understanding the complexity of our emotions, and cultivating gratitude. But if you’re looking for a pivotal starting point, Moonology is it, in my humble opinion.

And fyi once you get one or two layers deeper, you will find that we also incorporate Moonology with angels, chakras, Goddesses, crystals, essential oils and more.

So, my message is clear: Embrace Moonology! It’ll change your life for the better,

Set your intentions at the New Moon and release and forgive at the Full Moon. You’ll be astounded at the shifts that occur in your life.

If this resonates with you, you might want to check out some of my Moonology books, cards and courses:

– Moonology the book
– the Moonology Diary 2024
– the Moonology oracle cards
– the Moonology Manifestion oracle cards
– the Moonology Messages oracle cards
– Astrology Made Easy – the book
– Astrology Made Easy – the course
– the Moonology Certification Course
– the Mercury Retrograde Book

… my Amazon author page lists it all

