What no mud, no lotus actually means + the eclipse - Yasmin Boland

“No mud, no lotus” is a famous quote from the Vietnamese Buddhist monk and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.

It means that sometimes we have to go through difficult or challenging times in order to grow and reach a better state.

Just like the beautiful lotus flower grows out of muddy waters, we too can emerge stronger and more resilient from challenging situations.

In our personal lives, this can mean making tough decisions such as leaving a toxic job, friendship, or relationship in order to move towards a more positive future.

While it may be uncomfortable and even painful to leave these situations, doing so can ultimately lead to a better life.

This idea is especially relevant now, as we are entering a new eclipse season.

The upcoming New Moon eclipse on April 20th is clashing with Pluto, which could bring about challenging or even muddy situations in our lives.

However, if you persevere through these difficulties, you have the potential to break through to the other side and reach a new level of growth and transformation.

That’s what eclipses are all about!

Eclipse-alchemy-side-bannerIf you are interested in learning more about working with the eclipse energies, you might want to consider attending an event such as my upcoming online workshop Eclipse Alchemy.

This workshop will provide guidance on how to navigate the upcoming eclipse season and emerge stronger on the other side.

Remember, no mud, no lotus – sometimes we have to go through the challenges in order to reach the beauty and growth waiting for us on the other side.

Click here to find out more about the Eclipse Alchemy workshop.

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