Your intuition is a superpower. Here's how to access it... - Yasmin Boland

One of the most amazing things about life – in my humble opinion – is that we all seem to have this thing called INTUITION.


It’s such a powerful force! It’s an actual superpower.

Have you ever listened to your intuition? ​​​​For me, it ALWAYS seems to work.

And more to the point, have you EVER ​​ignored your intuition? For me, that’s basically a short cut to disaster.

I mean, who hasn’t uttered those immortal words: “I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE DONE X OR Y!”

Or worse…


They call it our 6th Sense and I think they are right. Intuition is as reliable as our senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch​​, agreed?

So why are we not using it?

Because we live in a world where we are told that if you can’t prove it, then it’s not real.

Phooey to that, imho.

Even Einstein was into intuition and he was hardly a dummy…

One of the things I have tried hardest to instill in my son as he has grown up (he’s now 16 and starting his last year of school this week!!!) is


In other words, if it feels right or it feels wrong, it probably is!

So what are the easiest ways to tap into your intution?

1. Just listen – it’s talking 24/7 anyway

2. Meditate ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​- quieting your mind makes it easier to listen

3. Use oracle cards – seriously, they are your intuition talking to you​

I have a new deck of oracle cards coming out this month – the Moonology Messages cards – and they are ALL about intuition – aka inner tutiion.

I didn’t plan it like that – they just turned out that way.

While my first deck of cards was about working with the New and Full Moon through the signs to divine answers to your questions, and my second deck was about manifesting, this deck is ​​​​​​​all about using the Moon’s many infamous symbols to tap into whatever your Higher Self wants you to do.

The good news is that people have been reporting that they are SO accurate!

I hope he won’t mind me sharing with you that when Oracle Card King himself Radleigh Valentine did his first draw with these cards, he told me (as we recorded a podcast, so I am not speaking out of school!)​​​​ that his reading was “SPOT ON!”

I have had the same feedback from dozens of people who have received advance copies of the cards.

So if you want to learn how to tap into your inner wisdom, your intuition, the part of you that knows that answer to ALL your questions, what are you waiting for?

Grab a deck of my Moonology Messages cards and learn how to hear the messages coming through to you from your Higher Self, your angels and guides, the Divine​​​​​​.

And if you pre-order my cards and register your purchase here before they’re published on September ​19, you’ll also get 3 great bonuses:

– a 45 minute workshop which shows you How To Change Your Life Using Oracle Cards

– an easy-print Oracle Cards Journal Prompt

– an invitation to our private Facebook community where you can develop your skills alongside 32,000 like-minded souls! ​​​​​​​

So what are you waiting for?

Frankly, it’s 2023 and smart and magical people are starting to realise that we ALL have this in-built superpower … so it’s time that we all learned how to access it and use it to create our lives.

The Moonology Messages cards are literally a tiny part of that world-changing advancement.

In the future, we are all going to realise we have these abilities.

Imagine if the whole world functioned on their intuition! The world would be a better and more amazing place.

Be a part of this change as the world evolves!

The Moonology Messages cards are here.

Chakra Chant - Below Post